
‘Capernaum’ is a powerful Lebanese drama film directed by Nadine Labaki. The film tells the story of a young boy named Zain who sues his parents for giving him life in a chaotic and unfair world. Zain, a 12-year-old boy in Beirut, serves a five-year sentence for stabbing a man. In court, he explains his reasons for such a drastic action, revealing the hardships he faced and the struggles he endured in his short life. The movie delves deep into the harsh realities faced by impoverished children, highlighting themes of survival, resilience, and the desire for a better future. Zain’s journey through the streets of Beirut exposes the audience to the brutal and heartbreaking circumstances of his existence. ‘Capernaum’ captures the raw emotions of its characters through exceptional performances, especially by its young lead actor Zain Al Rafeea. The film’s cinematography immerses viewers in the gritty urban landscape of Beirut, enhancing the authenticity of the narrative. With a compelling storyline and heartfelt performances, ‘Capernaum’ is a poignant and gripping exploration of poverty, injustice, and the indomitable human spirit. It is a film that leaves a lasting impact and prompts reflection on societal issues and human rights.

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