
“Spotlight” is a gripping drama that follows the true story of The Boston Globe’s Spotlight team, a group of journalists who uncovered the widespread scandal of child molestation within the Catholic Church in Boston. Led by the team’s editor Walter ‘Robby’ Robinson, played by Michael Keaton, the investigative journalists delve deep into the cases, facing challenges and ethical dilemmas along the way. As they uncover more evidence and testimonies, they realize the extent of the cover-up by the Church and how it has affected countless lives. The film sheds light on the power of investigative journalism and the importance of holding institutions accountable for the truth, even when faced with resistance. With stellar performances by the cast, including Rachel McAdams, Mark Ruffalo, and Liev Schreiber, “Spotlight” is a thought-provoking and hard-hitting film that highlights the impact of determined journalism.